Tara Parekh Photography Recognized by Adobe

A few months ago, I was asked to be a judge for the Adobe Government Creativity Awards, the world’s premier digital media competition that recognizes creativity and talent for public sector professionals.

Being asked to do this was HUGE, an absolute honor! I was being recognized as a qualified expert in my field by Adobe, an American software company headquartered in California, known for creativity software products such as the Adobe Creative Cloud (Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere, Acrobat, etc.). Adobe products are what I use every day in my creation process for both photography and design. Millions use Adobe products…I mean Adobe is the universal language of all creatives. Like I said, HUGE.

My excitement escalated when I found out Adobe wanted to interview me for a feature article on their blog. But, before you check out the article on Adobe’s blog, let me give you some more background about how this came about.

In addition to having my own photography business, I have a full-time career with the Federal Government in the Washington, DC area. I started working for the government right out of college and have been able to move around to various agencies. I currently work for TSA. Until a recent job transition, I spent most of my time as a Visual Information Specialist. During this time, I was able to speak about my photography work of the TSA canines at Adobe day for the Department of Homeland Security, and also at Gov Max part of Adobe Max in Los Angeles. I had developed a relationship with Adobe based on this, and that’s how they selected me as one of the judges for the Adobe Government Creativity Awards.

My photographs of the TSA canines and their handlers focus on lighting, emotion, interaction and relationships, personality, and action. Check out a few of my favorites.

You can read the full story, “Q&A with Tara Parekh, TSA Public Affairs and AGCA Judge,” and learn more about me on Adobe’s blog.


Rudy, The Incredible Husky Mix Puppy

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Tara Parekh Photography Sponsors Alexandria Love Your Pet Day 2019